The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 750: Morgan A

Hey, Cynthia.


So? How goes it? have you mastered acting meek and demure yet?

...Yes..........I have.

Er, right. You know, I'm not sure that's actually how demure works. Maybe you just need a little more time? Yes, I'm sure that's it!

...No. That isn't.............Necessary.

I can actually feel myself growing old waiting for you to finish a sentence. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

What? No way! I practiced really hard! Look, I'll even show you my demure face! Mmmmmrrrrgggghhh...

...Please stop that. Er, all this aside, though, how have the others reacted to this new you?

Aw, it was really sweet! They were all very concerned. They kept coming up and asking me what was wrong.


Oh yeah! People were all running up and shouting at me and stuff! "What is wrong with you, Cynthia?! You look upset, Cynthia! Why do you keep making that horrible face, Cynthia?"

So if what you said is true, that means they all miss the old perky me, right?

Er... R-right! I'm sure that's what they meant. They all want you to be yourself. you're happy, energetic... very loud self.

Yay! It's such a relief to know for sure!

Oof, all that worrying had my stomach in knots. But now that it's over, I'm hungry! You wanna grab something to eat? I think they have pottage today!

Sure. It must be hard to be energetic on an empty stomach, after all.

I know, right? Come on, let's go! (leaves)

...Yeesh. Between the pauses and that face, it's no wonder people thought her ill. I doubt it had anything to do with her missing pep and verve.

...Not that I could tell her that without breaking her heart, though....

Ah, well. At least she's smiling again!